ERP expert for costing of inventory on ERP system
The costing system in OBP serves a strategic function for the business. It plays a vital role as understanding costs leads to better decisions. Costing of production is a critical component of the OBP manufacturing process. Production process consists of materials, labour and overheads. A costing system serves as a compass, offering valuable insights into the financial implications of various endeavours across diverse domains and sectors. A best-in-class costing system: Empowering decision-making at every turn. Historically, OBP has experienced challenges in the costing of its production process due to systems not fit for purposes. OBP requires an expert in setting up costing systems that will be best suited for its manufacturing process. This expert will do the end-to-end analysis of the production process and advise on a suitable ERP system. The detail of this need is ventilated in the OBP OPCA plan. Responsibilities: The expert that is requested is expected to possess the following attributes: Advise on process and system (Key deliverables) With regard to the process mapping of the costing element, the expectation is as follows, • Implementation of Accurate costing of OBP inventory and cost of sales. • Ensuring that the process produces reliable and accurate information that supports a robust reporting framework (driven by quality of data) • Review of the costing process of production and gap assessment and identification. • Suggested solution to enable costing system that is fit for purpose for business. o the solutions need to be three-fold: 1. Needs to accurately portray the current production environment. 2. Needs to be predictive of future needs including projection models of future growth that can be utilized by management to either upscale or downscale the production process. 3. Process needs to be linked to the full organizational reporting needs/processes (automated process must be fully integrated). • The expectation is that the above must be graphically represented in an organizational value chain. 1. Key attributes of process: • Governance and legislative requirements • Standards (IFRS) • ISO requirements • Illustrations of benefit analysis in terms of efficiency, effectiveness and economy • Deliberate gates and gatekeepers to be reflected upon to ensure that processes can only continue when key milestones are achieved (control environment) 2. Key attributes of system: • Utilising the process mapping visualization, set criteria and dimensions for an appropriate fit for purpose ERP system. • The system needs to be efficient, effective and economical to meet current needs and future growth. • The system needs to accommodate costing at a micro-level to ensure that all associated costs that are deemed by management as production costs must be included in the costing of the products eg. Fixed costs such as water& electricity, vehicle maintenance. • The above bullet is critical for management decision making on the sustainability and profitability positioning of OBP as a future fit SOE 1. Provides relevant service in terms of mandate and 2. Is self-sufficient. • The system needs to be predictive using data analytics especially in projections of increases and decreases in line products eg. The system must be able to predict costing of products in the event of increases or decreases in the production of a specific product that will support business decision-making resulting in optimal production levels that support profit maximization. • The system must contain key security safeguards and recording of activities (controls and audit trail); • System must be able to integrate with other OBP systems and processes. • The envisaged system specifications must reflect on the availability of support and training into the foreseeable future to ensure that the system is sustainable and usable. • The vision is for OBP to have one integrated system that is fit for purpose that serves the needs of all depts in an integrated manner.
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2024/10/16 15:00:00